Special strawberry jam with matcha

Special strawberry jam with matcha

Based on 4 ratings
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Christian Ruß

Christian Ruß

Test Kitchen Manager and Chef at Kitchen Stories

"Have you ever tried matcha? Matcha is ground green tea with an intense green color and a slightly tart flavor. I personally prefer jams to be a little less sweet, so I found matcha the perfect ingredient to give it an exciting upgrade without adding sweetness. The flavors of the subtle tea and the sweet fruit go very well together. If you have any matcha powder left over, you can sprinkle a little on top of your jam-slathered toast to enhance the flavor even more."
Easy 👌
20 min
0 min
60 min


150 g
jam sugar
40 ml


plate (small), cutting board, knife, pot (large), cooking spoon, bowl (small), matcha whisk, 4 glass jars

Nutrition per serving

Fat1 g
Protein2 g
Carb91 g
  • Step 1/4

    Place a small plate in the freezer. Wash the strawberries and cut them into quarters. In a large pot, combine the jam sugar and strawberries, stirring until well combined. Let that sit for approx. 1 hr.
    • 425 g strawberries
    • 150 g jam sugar
    • plate (small)
    • cutting board
    • knife
    • pot (large)
    • cooking spoon

    Place a small plate in the freezer. Wash the strawberries and cut them into quarters. In a large pot, combine the jam sugar and strawberries, stirring until well combined. Let that sit for approx. 1 hr.

  • Step 2/4

    In the meantime, mix the matcha powder with half of the water in a small bowl to make a paste. Gradually stir in the remaining water until everything is well mixed and dissolved. Set aside.
    • ½ tsp matcha powder
    • 40 ml water
    • bowl (small)
    • matcha whisk

    In the meantime, mix the matcha powder with half of the water in a small bowl to make a paste. Gradually stir in the remaining water until everything is well mixed and dissolved. Set aside.

  • Step 3/4

    After the strawberries have rested and there's some juice in the pot, set the pot over medium heat and bring to a simmer. Cook for approx. 5 min., then add the matcha to the pot and continue cooking for approx. 1 min.

    After the strawberries have rested and there's some juice in the pot, set the pot over medium heat and bring to a simmer. Cook for approx. 5 min., then add the matcha to the pot and continue cooking for approx. 1 min.

  • Step 4/4

    To test whether the jam will set up once it's cooled, place a small spoonful of the hot jam on the 
 plate from the freezer and hold the plate at an angle. If the mass becomes solid after a short time and you can swipe your finger through the jam leaving an unconnected gap, the test is passed and the jam is ready; if not, continue cooking and repeating the test. Pour the still hot jam into sterilized preserving jars, seal, and let cool. Enjoy!
    • 4 glass jars

    To test whether the jam will set up once it's cooled, place a small spoonful of the hot jam on the plate from the freezer and hold the plate at an angle. If the mass becomes solid after a short time and you can swipe your finger through the jam leaving an unconnected gap, the test is passed and the jam is ready; if not, continue cooking and repeating the test. Pour the still hot jam into sterilized preserving jars, seal, and let cool. Enjoy!

  • Enjoy your meal!

    Special strawberry jam with matcha

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